In the vibrant real estate landscape of Dubai, landlords and tenants often enter into rental agreements, establishing a legal relationship that governs the occupancy and usage of a property. However, situations may arise where landlords seek to evict tenants for reasons beyond those permitted by law. One such instance is when landlords issue eviction notices with the intention of selling the property or using it for personal use, and then subsequently re-rent it at a higher rate.

Understanding Landlord Eviction Rights in Dubai

According to Law No. 26 of 2007, as amended by Law No. 33 of 2008, regulating the relationship between landlords and tenants in the Emirate of Dubai, landlords have the right to evict tenants under specific circumstances. These include:

  1. Expiration of the rental contract: If the tenant fails to renew the rental contract upon its expiry, the landlord can initiate eviction proceedings.

  2. Non-payment of rent: If the tenant breaches the rental agreement by failing to pay rent, the landlord can issue an eviction notice after due notice and legal procedures.

  3. Breach of contract: If the tenant violates any of the terms and conditions of the rental agreement, such as causing damage to the property, engaging in illegal activities, or disturbing neighbors, the landlord may seek eviction.

  4. Personal use or sale of property: Landlords can evict tenants if they genuinely intend to use the property for personal reasons or sell it. However, they must provide adequate notice and compensation to the tenant.

Compensation for Unlawful Eviction

In cases where landlords evict tenants without valid grounds, such as under the pretext of personal use but subsequently re-rent the property at a higher rate, tenants have the right to seek compensation. The Rental Disputes Settlement Centre (RDSC) in Dubai is the authorized body to adjudicate such disputes and determine the appropriate compensation.

Factors considered by the RDSC in determining compensation include:

  1. Duration of tenancy: Tenants who have been occupants for a longer period may be entitled to higher compensation.

  2. Financial impact: The RDSC considers the financial burden faced by the tenant due to the eviction, such as relocation costs and potential loss of income.

  3. Emotional distress: Eviction can cause significant emotional distress for tenants, and the RDSC may consider this factor in awarding compensation.

Seeking Legal Assistance

Navigating eviction disputes and seeking compensation can be complex legal processes. Therefore, it is advisable for tenants to seek legal counsel from experienced advocates who specialize in landlord-tenant matters. Sara Advocates, a leading law firm in Dubai, offers comprehensive legal services to tenants facing unlawful eviction and compensation claims.

Our team of experienced advocates will thoroughly assess your case, provide expert legal advice, and represent your interests before the RDSC. We are committed to upholding the rights of tenants and ensuring that they receive fair compensation for any unlawful eviction practices.

Remember, seeking legal assistance is crucial in protecting your rights and ensuring that you receive the compensation you deserve when facing unlawful eviction. Sara Advocates is your trusted partner in navigating landlord-tenant disputes and upholding your rights in the dynamic real estate market of Dubai.

Read Also: The Tenant’s Rights in case of Selling the Rented Property