The United Arab Emirates (UAE) boasts a reputation as a safe country with a notably low crime rate. Nonetheless, like any nation, incidents involving criminal activity can and do occur. If you find yourself entangled in a police case in the UAE, whether as a victim or a suspect, you may be wondering about the process for tracking the status of your case. Fortunately, there are convenient online and offline methods available for this purpose.

Online Method

In the modern digital age, UAE authorities have made it convenient for individuals to monitor the status of their police cases online. Both the Dubai Police and the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department offer these services. Here’s how you can do it:

Dubai Police

  1. Visit the Dubai Police website or download the Dubai Police app.
  2. Log in to your account.
  3. Provide your Emirates ID number and the police report number.
  4. Access real-time information about your case, including whether it’s still under investigation, has been referred to the public prosecutor, or has been closed.

Abu Dhabi Judicial Department

  1. Visit the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department website.
  2. Log in to your account.
  3. Enter your Emirates ID number and date of birth.
  4. Review a comprehensive list of all the cases you are involved in, along with the status of each case.

Offline Method

If accessing your case status online isn’t feasible for you, you can opt for the offline route by visiting a local police station or the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department in person. Be sure to carry your Emirates ID card with you for verification purposes.

What Information Do You Need?

To successfully check the status of your police case, ensure you have the following information on hand:

  • Your Emirates ID number
  • The police report number (if available)
  • Your date of birth (required for checking with the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department)

Information Available Online

When you check the status of your police case online, you can access the following essential details:

  • The current status of your case (e.g., under investigation, referred to the public prosecutor, closed)
  • The date and time the case was reported
  • The type of crime reported
  • The police station where the case was reported

What If You Can’t Find Information Online?

In cases where you can’t locate information about your police case online, don’t fret. Simply get in touch with the police station where the case was reported or reach out to the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department for assistance.

Questions About Your Police Case

Should you have any queries or concerns about your police case, don’t hesitate to contact the relevant authorities. You can reach out to the police station where the case was reported or contact the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department.

Additional Information

It’s crucial to note that while the online services for checking police case status in the UAE are immensely helpful, they are still under development. There may be occasional periods when these services are unavailable or experience technical issues. In such instances, rely on direct contact with the police station or the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department.

Furthermore, if you find yourself involved in a criminal case in the UAE, it is highly advisable to seek legal counsel from a qualified lawyer. A legal expert can provide valuable insights into your rights and responsibilities and represent you in court if the situation necessitates it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can non-residents of the UAE check the status of a police case?

A: Yes, non-residents can check the status of a police case in the UAE. However, they must provide the police report number and their Emirates ID number. In the absence of an Emirates ID number, a passport number can be used as an alternative.

Q: Can minors check the status of a police case in the UAE?

A: Yes, minors can check the status of a police case in the UAE with the consent of a parent or guardian.

Q: What if I have questions regarding my police case?

A: If you have any inquiries or doubts about your police case, it is advisable to contact the police station where the case was reported or reach out to the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department.


Checking the status of a police case in the UAE online is a straightforward and efficient way to keep track of its progress. In situations where online access is unavailable, do not hesitate to engage with local authorities directly by contacting the police station where the case was reported or getting in touch with the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department. Your peace of mind and understanding of the situation are of utmost importance.

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