The primary thought that follows each construction-related conflict in any company is how to resolve the dispute. The fact that conflicts may prolong building time and damage the contractor’s image is what first makes individuals consider finding a solution. The goal is always to resolve conflicts as quickly as possible to avoid harming the relationships between clients and contractors.

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Contractor Attorneys can aid in the settlement of disputes. If the situation has gotten out of control, Sara Advocates and Legal Consultants can assist in ameliorating the situation.

In order to prevent disagreements, contractors can use a variety of actions. By implementing these measures, the contractors are protected against lawsuits, which also protects their reputation.

Causes for Construction Conflicts

Many factors can contribute to the creation of the conflicts. Contractual conflicts develop whenever there is a difference of opinion between various parties. They are viewed as the actual breach of a building contract by the public.

Here are a few factors that will explain why building disagreements occur in Dubai and UAE.

Lack of study of the contract’s terms

There might be some persons who don’t thoroughly read the contracts. As a result, they will face several issues in the future. This is due to the fact that when people don’t read the contracts, they are less familiar with the facts that are mentioned there, which leads to disagreements.


While the clients do not pay the contractors on time it becomes the reason for the disagreements, the clients become angry at the contractor when they keep delaying the commencement of the project.

Baseless Claims

There are occasions when parties make false claims, which is not only against the regulations but also often the root of many issues. It is improper for parties to make claims that they are unable to fulfil. Additionally, this might hurt their reputation.

Therefore, if the clients and the contractors want their project to go well, neither party should play the improper games; otherwise, there won’t be any cooperation between the two sides.

The contract will be terminated if the problems are not resolved, which will not be in either party’s best interest.

Following are the recommendations for resolving construction issues:

  • Negotiation
  • Mediation
  • Adjudication
  • Arbitration
  • Litigation


The negotiating clause decreases the likelihood of a dispute emerging since it includes a commitment on the part of both parties to try to address any differences that may emerge. This implies that they must attempt conflict settlement before utilizing any other techniques.


According to the mediation provision, a third party is involved in the dispute. This is done in an effort to mediate the situation and bring an end to the conflict as quickly as feasible. Keep in mind that in cases of mediation, there is no relationship to the court. In actuality, this method of settling conflicts is highly successful.


In this procedure, like in mediation, a third party is involved. The fundamental distinction between adjudication and mediation is that, in adjudication, the adjudicator will be the one making the decision, whereas, in mediation, the mediator only supports both parties in resolving their dispute.


In this strategy, a third person will be present who is impartial. Due of their extensive knowledge, this third party’s responsibility will be to remedy the issue. To reach a ruling, the arbitrator will review all the evidence and the context. It should be noted that the arbitrator will side by one party in their conclusion


Litigation is another issue that is covered by the disagreement clause. The option of litigation is employed when the parties believe there is no other way to resolve the conflict. There is also the option of appealing the legal process. It is slower and more complicated than other things. This is why individuals choose to examine alternative approaches rather than this one.

Why us?

In case you have a construction conflict unresolved in UAE specially in Dubai, you can consult Sara Advocates and Legal Consultants. We are one of the best consultancy firms in Dubai and UAE. Our construction lawyers will examine your case thoroughly and give you suggestions and legal advice. Don’t keep your construction halted and consult Sara Advocates and Legal Consultants to resolve it immediately.

Disclaimer: This article was produced with great care to ensure accuracy. Because individual situations may vary, it is not meant to give legal advice or predict a specific conclusion. Readers considering legal action should seek legal advice from an experienced lawyer to learn about current laws and how they may apply to their case.